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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

It can be overwhelming when searching for information about abortion when you’re unexpectedly pregnant. What’s often overlooked is the care you should receive before seeking an abortion.

We’re here to help get you started in safeguarding your health and wellness. 

1. Verifying Your Pregnancy

While at-home tests are very reliable and accurate, they can produce incorrect results.  Sometimes, you can make an error in using the test. Other times, you may get a false result even when used correctly. 

The benefit of having no-cost pregnancy testing at Ava is you’ll have a trained healthcare professional guiding you so you can be confident your results are accurate from the beginning. 

2. Receiving A Limited Ultrasound

Getting an ultrasound is crucial in determining key details about your pregnancy. You’ll want to know if you are considering abortion.

An ultrasound verifies information such as your gestational age (how long you’ve been pregnant), pregnancy location, and viability.

You’ll want to know the gestational age to determine if you qualify for a medical abortion, which is FDA-approved through 10 weeks. 

Knowing your pregnancy location is important to rule out conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo implants outside the uterus. This condition requires immediate medical attention, and an abortion would not solve it. 

Lastly, an ultrasound determines your pregnancy’s viability or how the pregnancy is progressing. It’s possible you could have a positive test but have miscarried, which happens in 26% of pregnancies.

3. STD Testing And Treatment

Being that you are sexually active, receiving Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing is necessary before an abortion to prevent complications that can arise from various conditions.

An STD can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or other reproductive harm during an abortion procedure.

Given that many STDs are asymptomatic, it’s more important than ever to tackle this issue before seeking an abortion.

Get The Care You Deserve

Ava gives you care when you need it the most. Get free pregnancy testing, STD testing/treatment, and a limited ultrasound if you are eligible. 

Our licensed medical team is here to provide you with a safe and confidential space to talk about all your pregnancy options.

Contact us today for a no-cost appointment.

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