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Here at Ava Health, we provide free, medically accurate abortion information. If you would like to talk about abortion risks and procedures with someone, call or text us today. Please note that we do not provide or refer for abortions.

Types of Abortion

There are several types of abortion options, but eligibility for each option depends on how far along a pregnancy is.

Abortion Pills (e.g. Mifepristone and Misoprostol)

Abortion pills, also known as medication abortion, were first legalized in the US in 2000, though they were created in the late 80’s. According to the Guttmacher Institute,  in 2023, medication abortions accounted for 63% of the abortions in the US. These can be performed in a clinic, or at home. Doing this at home can pose a higher risk if complications do occur.

Designed to be taken up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy, abortion pills work by blocking the progesterone supply to the pregnancy. In most cases, 24-48 hours after taking the 1st pill, the second round of pills are taken. These cause the uterus to contract so that the embryo may be expelled. The FDA advises against purchasing abortion pills on the internet, as this would bypass safeguards intended to protect a woman’s health. Abortion pills are effective 95% of the time, but there is a risk that the pill will not be able to fully evacuate the womb. This can lead to the need for medical attention.

It is very important to have an ultrasound prior to having an abortion to confirm the gestational age and be sure the pregnancy is not ectopic. Though rare, tubal/ectopic pregnancies can be life threatening. Call us today to schedule an ultrasound appointment to ensure you are within the proper gestational age range and your pregnancy is not ectopic.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion uses surgery to remove a fetus and placenta from the womb. There are a few different procedures which are used. Surgical abortion is not guaranteed to end a pregnancy in every case – particularly during the earliest weeks of pregnancy.

Vacuum aspiration (also called suction abortion) is the most common surgical abortion procedure. This involves dilating the cervix and inserting a vacuum tube to remove the developing fetus and associated tissues. Vacuum aspiration can be performed until about 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Dilation and curettage (also called dilation and evacuation or D&E, D&C) can be used to perform abortions. It involves the dilation of the cervix and the removal of uterine contents via scraping with an instrument in combination with suction. D&C can be performed later into the gestational period than vacuum aspiration.

To learn more about these methods of abortion, please schedule an appointment to talk with our medical team. Please note that we are not a provider of abortions, nor do we refer for abortions.

The Legality Of Abortion In Oregon

Abortion is legal in Oregon. In 2022, the 1973 Roe v Wade decision was overturned. This law previously required abortion to be legal nationwide, but since its overturn, this decision has been left to each individual state.  As of 2024, Oregon is one of the few states where there are no restrictions for abortion.

Is Abortion Safe?

With any medical procedure there are always some risks. Some physical risks associated with a surgical abortion include infection of the uterus, excessive bleeding, perforation (poking a hole) of the womb, and incomplete abortion.  Taking the abortion pill at home is considered a moderately safe procedure, but the same risks still apply, including excessive bleeding and incomplete abortion. If you have taken the abortion pill at home and are experiencing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever for more than 24 hours, contact your medical provider right away.

For many women (and their partners) there is a significant risk of lasting psychological and emotional issues resulting from an abortion. Many women experience initial relief following an abortion. Some women experience guilt, grief, anger, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, and difficulty bonding with partners or their children following an abortion.

Morning After Pills (e.g. Plan B, Next Choice, My Way, Take Action, AfterPill)

Morning After pills are an emergency contraceptive and are designed to be taken within hours or days after unprotected sex. They act primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). They may prevent the union of sperm and egg (fertilization). If fertilization does occur, they may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb (implantation). If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking the morning after pill, its development will not be affected.

Other Abortion Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is to offer kind, compassionate medical care. This includes no-cost medical services such as pregnancy verification, limited ultrasounds, STI testing and treatment, and medically accurate, unbiased education of your pregnancy options. We believe that through medically comprehensive and accurate information, you will be empowered to make your own pregnancy choices.  

When possible, we encourage you to bring any support person you are comfortable with to join you when you come to visit one of our clinics.

In the medical context, abortion is the intentional termination of a human pregnancy. This is true regardless of when, how, or why the procedure is performed.

In most cases, you will still be able to have children after an abortion. However, there is a risk that infection may develop, which would inhibit your ability to get pregnant or carry a child to term. Infertility may result if a surgical abortion is complicated by STI infection, heavy bleeding, perforation of the uterus, or incomplete removal of pregnancy tissue. To ensure your safety, contact us today to get tested for STI’s including chlamydia and gonorrhea.

There are currently (as of 2024) no legal restrictions on abortion in Oregon.

Our Services

We strive to provide the resources you will need to face your pregnancy with confidence, at no cost to you.

Pregnancy Confirmation

Visit one of our clinics to take a urine-based pregnancy test.

  • Reviewed by our nurses
  • Lab-certified results

Limited Ultrasounds

We offer no-cost first and second trimester limited ultrasounds performed by registered nurses with specialized training in limited obstetric ultrasound.

  • Reviewed by our medical doctors
  • Provides information on pregnancy dating

STD Testing + Treatment

If you are sexually active, getting tested for STIs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health!

  • No-cost, confidential testing*
  • No-cost Chlamydia and Gonorrhea treatment

*Ava Health currently only offers STI testing and treatment for those assigned female at birth.

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